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Industry Verticals

Technology sector import specialists

Many years of experience and expertise in the technology sector have assured the success of our Importer of Record and Exporter of Record services for clients across the entire IT spectrum. Our cost-effective trade compliance solutions ensure that your project, whether large or small, runs smoothly and your technology goods are imported legally, and on time in the most cost-effective manner.

Our tech sector clients

We can assist companies across the technology supply chain. Our customers span the globe; we are dedicated to managing complex cross-border trade compliance issues for all technology goods, leaving businesses free to focus on developing and growing their business unrestricted by borders.

Our clients range from global house brands to the consumers at the end of the sales cycle and everything in between.

Click on the partner type below to understand more about our services in your sector of the supply chain. 

Types of products we can help you to import

Here are some examples of the types of IT and technology products that can benefit from our Importer and Exporter of Record services. This is an exhaustive list, so please get in touch even if you don't see your technology goods listed. 

cloud devices logo

Cloud Devices

logo for computer and accessories

Computers & Accessories

computer networking logo

Computer Networking

personal laptop

IoT/Personal Use Devices

an opened lock

Network Security

gas pump

Oil & Gas Industry

a printer

Printing Technology

a radar

Scientific / Radar Technology

a storage stack


telecommunications signal


a video game controller

Video Games & Consoles

a video projector

Video & Visio Devices


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