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New US Government Tariff on Chinese Imports

New US Government Tariff on Chinese Imports

Released On 7th Feb 2025

As of Tuesday 4th February, a new 10% duty tariff has been implemented by the US government on products with Country of Origin (COO) of China being imported into the United States of America.

This means anything made in China is liable for the new levy. This duty amount has risen from 25% to 35% of the value of the goods and is based on HS codes.

We ask that customers identify the COO of products when requesting Importer of Record quotes to the USA, and also ensure HS codes are correct. M&B will need to re-quote any previous services to the USA if the products are made in China.

China currently imposes their own 25% tariff on goods with a COO of the USA and have stated they will increase their own tariffs for goods manufactured in the USA, however more details have not been released.

Currently, there is no impact on the Mexico and Canada tariff increase’s as this program has been placed on hold due to the 2 countries engaging in talks on strengthening their border controls with the USA. If this changes, a further update will follow.

For further information or if you require assistance, please contact us at iorsolutions@mouseandbear.com or call 01935 848526.

Tags: North America

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